Friday, October 16, 2009

Some Rules

I was about to start my first real post, but couldn't decide where to begin. Not long into derivatives you get into trig functions. It occurred to me that I have no interest in delving into what is or where it came from. I've decided to set some ground rules for my quest for calc. So, here they are in no particular order:

  • If I consider something trivial, intuitive, or otherwise uninteresting, I probably won't explore it too deeply. I'll try not to use this as a crutch to skip things I don't understand.
  • Unless I find it exciting, I'll probably take constants at their word. Yay !
  • To avoid turning this into a quest for trig, I plan to except basic shape descriptions at face value (, , , that kind of thing).
  • I reserve the right to take something for granted with plans to come back to it. For instance, I didn't bother finding a proof for the Pythagorean Theorem until after I used it to find the derivative of tan(x) (in this case however, it made me feel itchy so I went back to it and figured it out before I decided to blog about the whole ordeal).
  • I intend to struggle through most of the necessary proofs on my own, but I'm ok using proofs found other places as long as I feel that I understand them well enough to explain and therefor reproduce them.

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